Food Science & Technology
School of Applied Sciences & Technology
0194-2421357, 2421346
Head Of Department's Message
Contact Us
Enrolled Scholars
Awarded Scholars
DRC minutes
Thrust areas
Cell Culture Lab
1.1.2 BOS minutes
1.1.3 Syllabus
Programme Outcomes
New courses introduced
PG syllabus
UG Syllabus 2023
PhD syllabus
Programme Outcomes
New courses introduced at PG level
1.3.2 Online SWAYAM/MOOCS courses
2.3.2 Tecahers using ICT
2.3.4 Teachers with PhD
List of students
Batch 2023
Btach 2022
Batch 2021
Batch 2020
Batch 2019
2.3.2 Mentorship
Batch 2023
Batch 2022
Batch 2021
Batch 2020
Batch 2019
List of scholars
3.4.4 PhD Awarded
3.7.2 Industrial linkages
3.7.7 Linkages/MoUs
International Level
National Level
3.4.4 Publications
3.2.2 Projects
3.4.5 Books/book chapters
3.6.2 Training Programs
4.1.3 Class rooms with ICT
Classroom 1
Classroom 2
Conference room
4.1.4 Budget Allocation
4.2.4 Expenditure on Books/Journals
4.3.2 Computer student ratio
1 computer for 6 students
4.3.4 E-content development facilities
Centrally available at EMMRC
5.1.1 & 5.1.2 Govt Fellowships & Other fellowships
5.1.4 Counselling/Guidance
5.2.1 Placements
Placement cum counselling programs National/International Exams
5.2.2 Students progressing to Higher education
Greivance Addressal
6.2.3 Financial Assistance to teachers/Project
6.2.3 Financial Assistance to teachers/Travel
6.3.3 Faculty development programmes
7.1.11 Community Engagements
On field Visits/Trainings/Demonstrations
Trainings in Pilot plant
Startup trainings
On field training
Evaluation report
Student Allotment
Industrial collaboration
DST FIST Programme
Placement Brochure
Counselling Awareness Programs
Alumini Registration
Alumini List
Alumini FST
Conference Room
Classroom 1
Class Room 2
Cell Culture Lab
Food Biotechnology lab
Food Biopolymer lab
Food Chemistry lab
Food Bioactive lab
Food Processing Pilot Plant 1
Pilot Plant 2
Dairy lab
Programme Objectives & outcomes
New courses introduced
Interaction of PhD applicants with DRC; Dated: 4-12-2024
Orientation programme for Ist semester (new admission); Dated: 27-8-2024
One week skill development programme in Fruits and Vegetables preservation; Dated: 12-8-2024
Meeting regarding conduct of PhD entrance examination; Dated: 6-8-2024
Datesheet MSc 2nd Sem backlog; Dated: 5-8-2024
Date sheet for MSc 2nd semester batch 2023; Dated: 10-7-2024
Date sheet for MSc 4th semester batch 20222; Dated: 10-7-2024
Provisional selection list of exempted candidates admitted to PhD programme in the discipline of Food Science and Technology; Dated: 27-6-2024
Fresh ice-cream is available at new pilot plant of Food Science and Technology, interested can contact at 9469916141; Dated: 24-6-2024
walkin interview for the post of JRF in the extramural project "Technological interventions to enhance bioavailability of basil seed oil and functional characterization of basil seed protein" sponsored by ICMR; Dated: 11-6-2024
Datesheet for MSc 4th sem backlog batch 2020-21; Dated: 15-4-2024
Time Table MSc II Semester Batch 2023 Session I: April, 2024 (offline); Dated: 30-3-2024
Tentative schedule and venue for startup training process; Dated: 29-3-2024
Startup training allotment of staff; Dated: 26-3-2024
Attention Food Enthusiasts and unemployed youth; Dated: 26-3-2024
One week entrepreneurship training programme in Food Processing and Preservation from 26 March 2024; Dated: 22-3-2024
Sale of mixed vegetable pickle prepared in the food processing pilot plant of Food Science & Technology; Dated: 14-3-2024
Ph.D open defense of Ms Rubiya Rashid scheduled on 06-03-2024; Dated: 5-3-2024
Notice for employees; Dated: 4-3-2024
Notice regarding start of offline classes; Dated: 29-2-2024
Advertisement for temporary positions of JRF and field assistant in a DBT funded project; Dated: 28-2-2024
Practical date sheet MSc Ist Semester Batch 2023; Dated: 10-1-2024
Datesheet Practical Exam 3rd semester; Dated: 19-12-2023
Date sheet MSc Ist Sem backlog batch 2018 onwards; Dated: 19-12-2023
Revised date sheet MSc Ist Sem batch 2023; Dated: 19-12-2023
Revised date sheet for MSc 3rd semester batch 2022 and backlog batches 2018 onwards; Dated: 1-12-2023
Date sheet for MSc 3rd semester batch 2022 Core papers; Dated: 28-11-2023
Datesheet for MA/MSc Ist semester OE/GE external examination; Dated: 29-11-2023
Datesheet for MA/MSc 3rd semester OE/GE external examination; Dated: 29-11-2023
Selection list of participants for SERB Karyashala “Hands on Training on the Development and Characterization of Millet-Based Extruded Products” from 23rd November 2023 to 6 th December 2023; Dated: 21-11-2023
Advertisement for 14 day high end workshop on Development and characterization of Millete based extruded products; Dated: 14-11-2023
Timetable of Ist Semester Batch 2023; Dated: 8-9-2023
Timetable of 3rd Semester Batch 2022; Dated: 8-9-2023
PG new syllabus 2023; Dated: 5-9-2023
MA/MSc 4th semester OE/GE; Dated: 4-9-2023
Datesheet MSc 4th semester; Dated: 2-9-2023
List of selected applicants for 12 day high end workshop; Dated: 14-8-2023
Application form for workshop; Dated: 7-8-2023
Advertisement for 12 day high end workshop from Aug 17 2023; Dated: 7-8-2023
Revised schedule of open defense of Ms Shazia Manzoor; Dated: 3-8-2023
Provisional PhD admission list; Dated: 31-7-2023
Open defense of Ph D scholar Ms Shazia Manzoor; Dated: 31-7-2023
Ph. D open defense of Ms Naira Noor; Dated: 28-7-2023
Datesheet of MSc 2nd sem batch 2022 external examination; Dated: 4-7-2023
Datesheet for MA/MSc 2nd semester OE/GE external examination; Dated: 27-6-2023
Advertisement for JRF position; Dated: 12-5-2023
Notice for 4th Semester Batch 2020 of the department; Dated: 3-5-2023
Logo designing competition; Dated: 25-4-2023
Practical examination notice for MSc 3rd semester batch 2021; Dated: 5-4-2023
Final selection list of 3 year Integrated PhD Programme; Dated: 29-3-2023
List of applicants provisionally admitted for Integrated PhD programme in the discipline of Food Science & Technology; Dated: 25-3-2023
Online form for training; Dated: 8-3-2023
Department is going to conduct a seven days training programme on processing of fruits and vegetables; Dated: 8-3-2023
Notice for 4th Semester PG students of the department; Dated: 1-3-2023
RPAC IV for research scholars of the department; Dated: 25-2-2023
List of selected candidates for High-end workshop on Microbiological Evaluation Techniques of Food Products; Dated: 1-2-2023
HIGH-END WORKSHOP "Karyashalla‟ On “Microbiological Techniques of Food Products” starting from 06/02/2023; Dated: 13-1-2023
Interaction of candidates, who have qualified Ph.D entrance examination, is scheduled on 16-01-2023; Dated: 11-1-2023
Syllabus for PG- Entrance Test-2023 (Food Technology); Dated: 6-1-2023
Open defence of PhD scholar, Ms. Sadaf Parvaiz on 10-01-2023; Dated: 4-1-2023
The Department of Food Science and Technology has prepared mixed vegetable pickle of standard quality in its Food processing Pilot plant. The product is free from any artificial preservative. The same is available for sale. Students and employees of the university can purchase from the Department.; Dated: 9-12-2022
List of eligible participants who have registered for workshop KARYASHALA; Dated: 26-11-2022
Application form for workshop KARYASHALA; Dated: 21-11-2022
The workshop KARYASHALA registered candidates are advised to submit the completed application form in the office of the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Kashmir by or before 25-11-2022; Dated: 21-11-2022
Date sheet for 2nd semester MSc. Food Technology (Batch 2021).; Dated: 14-9-2022
One month training programme in “Processing & Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables"; Dated: 30-8-2022
Date sheet for OE/GE courses of 2nd Semester (Batch 2021); Dated: 25-8-2022
Time Table for MSc. Food Tech. I semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 22-8-2022
SRF Position at Department of Food Science & Technology, University of Kashmir Hazratbal, Srinagar; Dated: 16-8-2022
Call for Research Internship (Accelerate Vigyan-Vritika); Dated: 5-8-2022
Ice-creams available in the department; Dated: 4-8-2022
Notice to selected candidates for integrated PhD programme; Dated: 2-8-2022
Walk in interview for two (02) positions of Research Fellows on 14th July, 2022 (Thursday); Dated: 9-7-2022
PhD admission-Interaction of Candidates on 01 July 2022; Dated: 28-6-2022
Date Sheet for 3rd Semester MSc (Food Tech.) (Batch 2020); Dated: 3-6-2022
Open defence of PhD scholar, Ms. Rehana Akhter on 09-06-2022; Dated: 3-6-2022
International Conference on interface between Agriculture, Food, Chemical and Biological Sciences on 27-29 July 2022.; Dated: 30-5-2022
Invitation for exhibition on Bakery machinery, Food Processing, Dairy and Ice cream, Beverages, Spices, Commercial Kitchen Equipments,.. Venue Hamiasto Ground Rehmat Nagar, Tengpora By-pass NH-1A, Srinagar Kashmir; Dated: 30-5-2022
Rescheduling of Walk in Interview for Junior Research Fellow on 27-05-22; Dated: 17-5-2022
Date sheet MSc 3rd sem, OE and GE; Dated: 17-5-2022
Time Table MSc. Food Tech. II semester (Batch 2021), May 2022; Dated: 15-5-2022
Walk in Interview for Junior Research Fellow on 17-05-22; Dated: 10-5-2022
Research Progress Assessment Committee (RPAC) on 13 May 2022; Dated: 10-5-2022
Open defence of PhD scholar, Ms. Farah Naqash on 25-04-2022; Dated: 18-4-2022
Open defence of PhD scholar, Mr. Touseef Ahmed Wani on 12-04-2022; Dated: 7-4-2022
Sale of mixed vegetable pickle prepared in the food processing pilot plant of Food Science & Technology; Dated: 6-4-2022
Date Sheet for 1st Semester (Batch 2021); Dated: 5-4-2022
Open defence of PhD scholar, Ms. Sadaf Nazir on 22-03-2022; Dated: 17-3-2022
PhD admission notice, session 2021; Dated: 14-3-2022
Date sheet for MSc (Food Tech.) backlog III and IV sem; Batch 2019; Dated: 9-3-2022
Mentorship Notice, M.Sc. 3rd Sem.; Dated: 9-3-2022
List of candidates provisionally selected for PhD programme (Batch 2021); Dated: 28-2-2022
Time Table MSc. Food Tech. I semester (Batch 2021), session March 2022 (offline mode); Dated: 25-2-2022
Time Table MSc. Food Tech. III semester (Batch 2020), session March 2022 (offline mode); Dated: 25-2-2022
List of Selected candidates for High-end work shop on Emerging Techniques of Evaluation of Milk; Dated: 25-2-2022
Date sheet for GE & OE courses of 1st Semester (Batch 2021); Dated: 25-2-2022
High-end workshop on Emerging Techniques of Evaluation of Milk, Last date to apply 22/02/2022; Dated: 18-2-2022
Interaction of candidates, who have qualified Ph.D entrace examination, is scheduled on 24-01-2022; Dated: 13-1-2022
Analytical services available to scholars of this university and other institutions; Dated: 13-1-2022
External practical examination batch 2020 2nd semester OE/GE; Dated: 9-12-2021
Student allotment for project; Dated: 5-10-2021
Datesheet for Open/General elective courses of 4th semester batch 2019; Dated: 7-9-2021
Datesheet for practical examination of MSc 1st semester; Dated: 1-9-2021
Datesheet of MSc 4th sem batch 2019; Dated: 1-9-2021
List of Ph D students enrolled in 2020-21; Dated: 20-8-2021
Timetable OE/GE 4th sem; Dated: 1-6-2021
Datesheet for OE/GE fresh backlog Ist semester batch 2020; Dated: 8-5-2021
Walkin interview for one position of SRF available in the department; Dated: 3-4-2021
Open defense of Mudasir Ahmad Shagoo PhD scholar; Dated: 1-4-2021
Notice for entrance qualified PhD applicants batch 2020; Dated: 27-3-2021
Revised datesheet for MSC 3rd semester batch 2019; Dated: 27-3-2021
Datesheet for MSc 4th semester batch 2018; Dated: 10-3-2021
Datesheet for MSc 3rd semester batch 2019; Dated: 10-3-2021
List of students enrolled in Ist semester batch 2020; Dated: 18-2-2021
Practical exam of food packaging for batch 2019 sem 2nd will be held on 20/02/2021; Dated: 16-2-2021
Contact for online classes for OE/GE courses in the department; Dated: 12-2-2021
Datesheet for elective courses in food science and technology; Dated: 15-10-2020
Datesheet for 2nd semester batch 2019; Dated: 7-10-2020
Datesheet for 3rd semester batch 2018; Dated: 7-10-2020
PhD course work exam syllabus 2019; Dated: 9-9-2020
Important alert for 3rd semester students batch 2018; Dated: 25-8-2020
Virtual online training program for tomato processing; Dated: 22-8-2020
Datesheet for 2nd semester supplementary batch 2017; Dated: 29-6-2020
Datesheet for 2nd semester Batch 2018; Dated: 25-6-2020
Datesheet for 1st semester Batch 2019; Dated: 29-6-2020
Time table for OE/GE courses in the department of Food Science & Technology; Dated: 11-6-2020
Datasheet for OE/GE courses of 4th semester batch 2017; Dated: 17-12-2019
Datesheet for 1st semester batch 2018; Dated: 22-5-2019
One day brain storming session on "Challenges and Opportunities in Dairy Sector" on 19th Feb 2019; Dated: 5-2-2019
Registration form for one day brain storming session on “Challenges and Opportunities in Dairy Sector”; Dated: 4-2-2019
Datesheet 3rd Semester Batch 2017; Dated: 29-1-2019
Date sheet for OE/GE courses batch 2017; Dated: 15-1-2019
Enrollment Batch 2018; Dated: 20-12-2018
PhD provisional selection list 2018; Dated: 22-12-2018
Alert for PhD entrance qualified candidates; Dated: 7-12-2018
Application form for 10 days training in Food Processing; Dated: 5-9-2018
Urgent information for pass out students (Almuni Registration); Dated: 10-8-2018
DATE SHEET FOR 2nd SEM BATCH 2017; Dated: 2-8-2018
Availability of pilot plant for making agricultural products; Dated: 23-7-2018
Change in Date sheet of 4th semester batch 2016; Dated: 12-7-2018
Notice for ten days Training programme in Food processing; Dated: 12-7-2018
Minutes of meeting (UG-PG syllabus); Dated: 4-7-2018
Date extended for submission of Abstracts for upcoming conference "Phytochemicals"; Dated: 30-6-2018
PhD entrance test Syllabus; Dated: 28-6-2018
DATE SHEET FOR 4th SEM BATCH 2016; Dated: 27-6-2018
Advertisement for the temporary posts of 2 JPFs and a field assistant available in the project NHMS (PI Dr Adil Gani); Dated: 31-5-2018
Registration form for conference "Recent advances in understanding the role of phytochemicals in human health (RAURPHH)"; Dated: 10-5-2018
National Conference on Recent advances in understanding the role of phytochemicals in human health (RAURPHH) 25-26 July 2018.; Dated: 10-5-2018
Date sheet for M. Sc GE and OE COURSES IST SEM BATCH 2017; Dated: 16-12-2017
practical examination notice "processing of foods of plant origin" PG 3rd SEM batch 2016; Dated: 7-12-2017
notice regarding practical examination of elective course "processing of animal based foods"; Dated: 4-12-2017
Notice regarding evaluation of answer scripts elective paper Elementary Animal Products; Dated: 28-11-2017
information for students of Batch 2016 who have appeared in Meat Science (FT15308GE); Dated: 28-11-2017
Date sheet for PhD course work examination BATCH 2014 & baclog; Dated: 27-11-2017
Date sheet MSc Ist semster baclog; Dated: 23-11-2017
Date sheet for M Sc Food Technology Ist semester batch 2017; Dated: 20-11-2017
Form for training programme in Food Processing; Dated: 3-10-2017
Revised Syllabus of M. Sc programme w.e.f 2023
Training form
List of PhD applicants 2022
Student Allotment
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